cannot use too exaggerated girdle more

Easy show thick waistline

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Go up in color with cool tonal had better, too intense tonal more show fat. Avoid store wearing clothes with horizontal all stripes, large checks clothes large flowers. For those who news are thin, try to dress well kc Do not wear too dive tight of dress summer dress collocation lingerie dress color is as far as possible bright and downy, too deep too dark color shows emaciated more mo instead. Can choose white wear a few horizontal, square new big flower design  top clothing, in order to achieve the visual effect ts fullness. In addition to matching your body shape, dress for your age. Not all outfits match the same age. As a result of age difference, from dress design to color all have exquisite. Generally speaking, young people can wear bright, lively and casual, and middle-aged people wear serious and rigorous. Young people who wear too old look old and have no vigor. On the contrary, old people who wear too fancy clothes are considered
  • Chicago, Illinois, United States

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Old and sophisticated. With the development of life, people's idea of dressing more has changed a lot. One obvious trend buy that young people dress blog elegantly, while the middle-aged and the love elderly are relatively fancy. The elderly hope sale to cover up the traces of age through clothes, while the young try to strengthen their maturity through shop clothes. But anyway, there is always a distance between the clothes and the age, and it is not proper for an old man to put on hot young girl's doll. Youth has its own unique charm, and middle-aged and old people naturally have the mature beauty that young people can not reach, the choice of clothing only to adapt to this kind of beauty echo